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UEFA Euro 2024 qualifying standings





Dear parents:


Thank you for your concern, understanding and support for all the work of our school. On this season when the red osmanthus is fragrant and the golden wind is shining, I would like to extend my best wishes to you and your family.

As time goes by, your children have been studying and living in the big family of Guang Hai Middle School for half a semester. In order to give you a comprehensive report on your children's study, life and thoughts in school, discuss their future together, further strengthen family-school ties and communication, and enhance friendship, so as to improve the management level of education and teaching in our school and enable your children to grow up healthily and study happily in Guang Hai Middle School. The school is planning to hold a parent-teacher meeting on Saturday, November 12, at 2: 10 p.m in the classrooms of all classes. Sincerely invite you to take time out of your busy schedule to visit our school, then we will sincerely communicate with you and jointly build a platform for home-school cooperation. Please also put forward your valuable opinions on the school's education and teaching work and sincerely thank you.

Warm Tip: In view of the frequent road traffic accidents and the weak awareness of civilized traffic among students ( especially students ), in order to ensure the safe travel of children, the school specially organizes students to carry out traffic safety education and sign safety responsibility documents at the early stage. Now please also take the responsibility of guardian, actively cooperate with the school EURO Cup 2024 scheduleto strengthen safety education for children, improve their self-protection awareness, and set an example for children and be a civilized person.

1. I hope all parents will abide by the traffic regulations when going out, and do not commit any illegal acts such as drunk driving or drunk driving. Children should designate stops to wait for buses when they enter school, do not rush red lights, cross roads and other dangerous actions, and pay attention to the time when they enter school and leave school.

2. Parents of all students should educate their children to wait at designated points on time, get on and off in an orderly manner, and do not play, jostle and squeeze each other in the car.

3. Pay attention to the front door and the back door when getting on the bus. Should wait for the vehicle to stop before getting off. After getting on the bus, you should take the initiative to walk inside the car and not jam at the gate of the car to prevent others from getting on or off the bus.

4. When getting off the bus, get off the bus in sequence. If the bus is crowded, negotiate with the previous classmates politely.

After getting off the bus, pay attention to the traffic conditions around you and don't rush at the front and rear of the bus or cross the road suddenly to avoid danger.

6. Students riding bicycles should drive on the right side of the non-motor vehicle lane and not go retrograde: they should not make a sharp turn when turning, but slow down ahead of time and see the situation around them before moving on.

7. Students with low immunity are prone to colds, rhinitis, bronchitis and other diseases when the air is dry in autumn and winter. Pay attention to reminding their children to pay attention to weather changes and add clothes in time, pay attention to cold protection and warm keeping, and strengthen exercise.

with the best wishes


_X Middle School


请 柬

_女士/先生: 谨定于20__年_月_日晚7∶00-9∶00,在内蒙古丽晶大酒店礼堂举行我公司新产品

的发布宴会,诚邀您携夫人共同出席。如蒙亲至,不胜感激。 内蒙古羊奶发展有限公司

20__年×月×日 邀 请 函

尊敬的 鲁道夫 公司: 我公司将于20__年10月20日,在西宁举办一场大规模的《中国西北家用电器展销会》,


我们真诚地邀请贵公司参加此次会议。 如贵公司能如约参加本次会议,请务必于20__年10月1日前与我们取得联系,以便我

们能提前为你们安排食宿和摊位。 活动举办方:西宁展览中心有限公司 时间(time):20__年10月20日 地点(location):西宁市广阳区×号展销中心













历史即将翻开崭新的一页,我们也将迎来充满希望和更具有挑战性的20__年。在这辞旧迎新之际,首先祝贵公司生意兴隆、万事胜意!同时感谢贵司一直以来给予我们企业的大力支持与信赖。Euro 2024 qualifying期待新的一年里我们的友好合作更上一层楼,互利共赢,再创辉煌!


晚会时间:20__年_月__日 17:30入场,18:00晚会开始。













Dear parents:


Thank you for your concern, understanding and support for all the work of our school. On this season when the red osmanthus is fragrant and the golden wind is shining, I would like to extend my best wishes to you and your family.

As time goes by, your children have been studying and living in the big family of Guang Hai Middle School for half a semester. In order to give you a comprehensive report on your children's study, life and thoughts in school, discuss their future together, further strengthen family-school ties and communication, and enhance friendship, so as to improve the management level of education and teaching in our school and enable your children to grow up healthily and study happily in Guang Hai Middle School. The school is planning to hold a parent-teacher meeting on Saturday, November 12, at 2: 10 p.m in the classrooms of all classes. Sincerely invite you to take time out of your busy schedule to visit our school, then we will sincerely communicate with you and jointly build a platform for home-school cooperation. Please also put forward your valuable opinions on the school's education and teaching work and sincerely thank you.

Warm Tip: In view of the frequent road traffic accidents and the weak awareness of civilized traffic among students ( especially students ), in order to ensure the safe travel of children, the school specially organizes students to carry out traffic safety education and sign safety responsibility documents at the early stage. Now please also take the responsibility of guardian, actively cooperate with the school EURO Cup 2024 scheduleto strengthen safety education for children, improve their self-protection awareness, and set an example for children and be a civilized person.

1. I hope all parents will abide by the traffic regulations when going out, and do not commit any illegal acts such as drunk driving or drunk driving. Children should designate stops to wait for buses when they enter school, do not rush red lights, cross roads and other dangerous actions, and pay attention to the time when they enter school and leave school.

2. Parents of all students should educate their children to wait at designated points on time, get on and off in an orderly manner, and do not play, jostle and squeeze each other in the car.

3. Pay attention to the front door and the back door when getting on the bus. Should wait for the vehicle to stop before getting off. After getting on the bus, you should take the initiative to walk inside the car and not jam at the gate of the car to prevent others from getting on or off the bus.

4. When getting off the bus, get off the bus in sequence. If the bus is crowded, negotiate with the previous classmates politely.

After getting off the bus, pay attention to the traffic conditions around you and don't rush at the front and rear of the bus or cross the road suddenly to avoid danger.

6. Students riding bicycles should drive on the right side of the non-motor vehicle lane and not go retrograde: they should not make a sharp turn when turning, but slow down ahead of time and see the situation around them before moving on.

7. Students with low immunity are prone to colds, rhinitis, bronchitis and other diseases when the air is dry in autumn and winter. Pay attention to reminding their children to pay attention to weather changes and add clothes in time, pay attention to cold protection and warm keeping, and strengthen exercise.

with the best wishes


_X Middle School


Dear parents:


Thank you for your concern, understanding and support for all the work of our school.

As time goes by, your children have been studying and EURO Cup 2024 scheduleliving in the middle school family for a year and a half. In order to give you a comprehensive report on your children's study, life and thought in school, discuss their future together, further strengthen family-school ties and communication, and enhance friendship, so as to improve the management level of education and teaching in our school and enable your children to grow up healthily and study happily in middle school. We would like to hold a parent-teacher meeting at 8: 00 a.m. on Saturday, December 1 in your child's class. Sincerely invite you to take time out of your busy schedule to visit our school. We will sincerely communicate with you and build a platform for home-school cooperation. Please put forward your valuable opinions on the school's education and teaching work. We look forward to your visit.

Warm Tip:

I. Time of participation: 8: 00 am on Saturday, December 1, 20_

II. Participants: All eighth grade students and parents

Three, parent-teacher conference theme: for the sake of children's tomorrow, we work together

Iv. matters needing attention:

( 1 ) The parent-teacher meeting starts at 8: 00 on time. Parents are requested to be present on time.

( 2 ) In order to ensure a quiet and orderly meeting place, parents are requested to switch their mobile phones to the state of vibration machine, and the necessary calls are requested to be answered outside the meeting place.

( 3 ) It is recommended that you bring paper and pens to facilitate recording of relevant contents.

( 4 ) All parents' cars are parked on the roadside outside school. Please follow the arrangement of traffic controllers and park in an orderly manner. ( Try to walk with your children or take bus 602, 601, etc. )

Your arrival will be the first step towards successful education! Thank you for your support for school work! Thank you for your cooperation.

_ _ Year _ _ Month _ _ Day


Dear Sir or Madam:

We are very pleased to invite Mr. ______ come to our company for visiting Euro 2024 live scoresand business negotiation. The business trip will start from 30th Oct. 2006 . And because the long business co-operation in future between ______ company. and us, they will come to China for many times. Please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ______ in China. All expenses of ______’Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.


由德国弗里德里希?艾伯特基金会和浙江大学 联合举办的国际会议“亚欧参与式预算:民主参与的核心挑战”(ParticipatoryBudgetinginAsiaandEurope:KeyChallengesofParticipation)定于20__年8月16-19日在浙江杭州望湖宾馆举行。本次会议的发言人和评论人是来自国内外研究公共财政预算和市政民主的专家。另外,我们还将邀请国内众多高校、研究机构和政府部门的有关专家、学者参加本次大会。鉴于您在该会议主题相关领域颇有研究,我们很荣幸地邀请您参加本次大会。






Euro 2024 qualifying5、会后将把发言人的和参会者的论文经专家审核后成书发表。欢迎投稿。








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